Tuesday, April 24, 2007

California High Tech Hot

Don't look now, but the hot Silicon Valley job market is gaining more and more recognition.....

"As might be expected in the state that houses the Silicon Valley, California employs more technology workers that anywhere else in the country and pays them the most.

A report released Tuesday by AeA, formerly the
American Electronics Association, said California leads the country in the number of high-tech jobs (919,322), the most tech jobs added (14,402) and the highest average annual wage for a position in the technology industry ($95,294).

In 2006, the report says, the high-tech industry added nearly 150,000 jobs for a total of 5.8 million in the United States. This growth is faster than the 87,400 jobs added in 2005, and the two years of growth represent an increase of four percent. ......

.....The leading states by high-tech employment in 2005 were California (919,300), Texas (445,800), New York (299,900), Florida (276,400), and Virginia (261,000). 2005 data are the most recent available at the state level. "

Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal - 12:37 PM PDT Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Story Link Here

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